Thursday, February 15, 2018

January Catch Up

Ajijic and San Antonio Tlayacapan, Mexico

We haven’t been doing such a great job of posting to keep up with our activities here, so here’s a “catch up” post. 

New Year’s

Our housing complex actually had fireworks, mostly aimed in our direction we think, due to a lawsuit the owners of the casitas recently “won” with the developer. The "fuegos artificiales" were nice, and we didn’t have too much fall out. Also a nice moon!

 Thank goodness for the internet (when it’s working here, which is spotty)…Linda was able to figure out how to make Japanese mochi with a blender then steaming! Turned out well, with the spam sushi and poke (tuna from fishing in December!)

We finally joined the kayak group for an outing, which was fun and scenic!

We finally picked up our residente cards (the office closed down for 3 weeks over the Christmas holiday….sigh) and then walked around the town of Chapala a bit.

Where there is meat (whole pig there), there are dogs!
The little corner of love!

It’s been known as a Mexican tourist destination at least since the days of Porfirio Diaz.

2018 Women’s March  (1/20/18)
So Ajijic joined the 250 events around the world. We didn’t bring our pink hats, but there were folks here selling them, along with tshirts, posters, etc. Quite a rally! In support of women’s rights, equality, healthcare, and science; against the wall, certain politics and a certain president.

Great turn out!

Yes, that's a pinata

Popular sign...but how do you really feel?

Lucha Libre match!
See other post!

Mama’s Bar Grammy’s night
Our friends will be shocked to hear that we found “our bar” here already. (Not!)

And Mama’s original site has karaoke 2 nights a week (until the end of February  .)  It turns out that Mama Elisa has a “Grammy’s Night” to award her regular singers, handing out….Oscars!?

It was FREEZING (for here), but a lot of fun. Who knew these people could clean up so well? Mark had to buy a tie, actually.

Mama, Rick, Amaury, Liseth and Johann

Our bartenders! Amaury and Calvin

Peter and Misha the Dog, of course

Peter, Heather and Misha
 And the big surprise was Mark actually got a “Grammy” (“Mammy?”) …though he’s only been singing a month or so.
Mark and Peter with the goods
 Superbowl (ok, February 2 snuck in here)

Yes, it appears to be "a deal" here, mostly due to all the gringos, we think.
But we admired the Walmart staff creativity with scrap styrofoam!

"Enjoy Super Sunday!"

And we found frozen chicken wings….ok, but….

Though we weren’t jazzed about the game at first, we did watch…initially for the ads, of course. But it turned out to be a great game! Mark even lit some Mexican copal incense for a good outcome....

And now, the run up to Carneval (farewell to meat) aka Mardi Gras in New Orleans!

Oh, and yes, we have been taking Spanish lessons 2 days per week, and Linda is still doing some work  :( , so somehow we have been keeping busy!

(Febrero 12, 2018)

1 comment:

  1. Dad, who knew you had the pipes? Did you bust out Rock N' Roll Lifeystle by Cake?

    Linda, looking sharp in pink, and I order you to make Dad take more of the pictures, we don't see enough of you in these! :)

    Lastly, at Tacubaya, I was known as "El Gallo (The Rooster)", but I am loathed by most of the dogs out here, from the one hopping around in a Berkeley car to most of my neighbors' canines. I have taken to jokingly shouting "Callate el perro! (Shut up the dog!)", except to the junkyard dogs on 27th and MLK that have warmed to me. Makes me miss Ella's well-timed barks. <3
